Palpasa Cafe – Narayan Wagle * Madan Puraskar Winner 2061 BS (bestseller) |
Madan Puraskar Winner 2061 BS
Narayan Wagle?s Palpasa Caf? is a gripping tale set during the Maoist Civil War. It portrays a vivid and horrifying description of the insurgency period and its effect on the common people. The horrors of the civil war feel life-like in this novel. The stakes are very real which adds to its authenticity. Furthermore, it is a story of a struggle for love in the midst of chaos.
sabin.chhetri (verified) –
मैले पहिले देखि पढ्न खोजेको तर पढ्न नपाएको उपन्यास हो यो। अन्तत मैले नया कलेवरमा मगाउने अवसर पाएँ। रत्न अनलाइनको सेवा बेजोड छ। धन्यवाद
Tahal Thami (verified) –