Women And Governance (Old And Rare) – Indira Shrestha, Krishna Hachhethu


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State-women relations in Nepal have changed at three major historical junctures.
A high degree of mobility is a sine qua non for participation in politics, whether the socio-cultural milieu of the country allows Nepali women to be mobile is thus a vital issue of concern.
Are women in a position to seize the opportunities granted by the liberal political atmosphere to interact with the state as citizens ? Women-specific civil organizations provide an alternative political space where collective action by women allows negotiations with the state.
The experiences of Scandinavian countries ….. suggest that the most important strategy for women’s empowerment in intervention in political parties. Re-imagining the state from the feminist perspective is to reorient an activist and intervenist state, making it as women friendly as possible through strategic interventions.
Women And Governance (Old And Rare) – Indira Shrestha, Krishna Hachhethu

Weight 0.3 kg




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