Nepal is undergoing an unprecedented change. Things are in a flux. Dreams of the people are sky-high and have wings; albeit the leadership has beenOso far paid a lip service and are ambivalent in their deeds. Today a wedding of convenience has taken place in the Sino-Nepalese relationship. It is said that ‘politics makes strange bed fellows’ and it is true in case of the present Sino- Nepal relationship. Despite its change in its ‘Peripheral Policy’ China has been found to be pro-active in its dealing towards Nepal and vice versa. In the previous couple of years Nepal has been found to be a great supporter of China. Two instances are significant in this direction. These are, first, Nepal’s support to China in securing the ‘Observer Status’ in SAARC despite India’s unwillingness to it and second, Nepal’s action in cracking down anti- China demonstrations in Nepal. As the book addresses this crucial issue quite deftly, it is hoped that it would prove to be a source of great information for the reader.
Contents: India’s Disquiet at Deepening Sino-Nepal Relationship; India and China Rivalry in Nepal; Sino-Nepalese Relations: Overshadowed by Federalism; Indian, Chinese Posturing Deepens Nepal’s Federalization Dilemma; Sino-Nepalese Relations: Factoring in India; China the Emerging Global Authority from a Nepalese Perspective; Nepal-China Closeness: What India Loses?; Be Supposed to India Worry about the Dragon in Nepal?; China’s Impact on India-Nepal Relations.
The Deepening Sino Nepal Relation (Old and Rare) – Major, S.K. Sharma
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