Nepalka Bir Sipahiharu – Prem Singh Basnyat

नेपालक वीर सिपाहीहारु – प्रेमसिंह बस्न्यात


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Nepalka Bir Sipahiharu – Prem Singh Basnyat | Presently working as Guest Professor at the Leshan Normal University ?China, Visiting Professor at the Kathmandu University- Nepal, guest lecturer at Tribhuban University, Visiting Fellow -Tromso University Norway, Visiting professor – Kathmandu School of Law, Purbanchal University, Nepal and several Nepalese army?s and Police?s academic institutions as well. Brigadier General (Retd) of Nepalese Army, a Para Commando (Special Forces), fought several counterinsurgency battles, also led battalion as battalion commander during insurgency at home, with expertise on Disaster Management, museum curator, scholarly writing on history-culture , Global Security, Peace building, Civil Military Relation, Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), Security Sector Reform (SSR), Army Officer Cadet selection as T.O. . Authored several books and articles on peace building, trust building, international security, national security, diplomatic history, conflict management, military history, political history, heritage, culture.

Weight 0.3 kg




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