Moving Mountains Lessons On Life And Leadership – Reinhold Messner


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What thoughts and feelings occupy us when we face our highest personal mountains? How can we be dedicated in pursuit of our goals, despite daunting hardships? This
inspiring book is the best of best-selling author Reinhold Messner, the first person to reach the summit of Everest solo and without supplemental oxygen.
Organized around his lessons on life and leadership, this book outlines the secrets to overcoming failure, pushing the limits of the feasible, and achieving lasting success.
Like most genuine leaders, Messner transcends his field (mountain climber and expedition leader) and assumes a larger-than-life public image and persona. Privately, he remains a craftsman first, but his feats and his fame have also made him a spokesman. And in both areas, he is a proven winner. It is one thing to have survived a few near-death experiences on mountains and in deserts and ice fields, but it is quite another to have learned so much and shared so deeply with the intent to benefit other people.

Moving Mountains (Old And Rare) – Reinhold Messner

Weight 0.3 kg




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