Janaral Bhimsen Thapa Ra Tatkalin Nepal – Chittaranjan Nepali

Rated 3.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


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Janaral Bhimsen Thapa Ra Tatkalin Nepal – Chittaranjan Nepali (Ratna Pustak Bhandar) (bestseller) | General Bhimsen Thapa and contemporary Nepal. Nothing was dearer and nearer to his heart than the indepence of his country.

Weight 0.3 kg



2 reviews for Janaral Bhimsen Thapa Ra Tatkalin Nepal – Chittaranjan Nepali

  1. Rated 2 out of 5

    Susil Pun Magar (verified)

    Decent Book. Suitable for taking references but lacks in-depth timelines. It contains many scripts and documents related to ancient administration during the prime ministership of Bhimsen Thapa. The author boasts half of the time about Bhimsen Thapa. Lacks good editing, language, content and balanced facts.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Tanka R. (verified)


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