Interpretation of Dreams (Old And Rare) – P. Khurrana


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Are dreams meaningless? Do they originate from the subconscious mind? Can they forecast the coming events? The well-known astrologer P. Khurrana attempts to throw light on some of these fascinating and mysterious aspects of dreams. He explains how, for an accurate interpretation of dreams, one needs to understand their in-depth meaning and correlate it with the day-to-day activities of the dreamer. He also believes that the study of planets, psychology, living conditions and temperament of the person is fairly significant in understanding a dream thoroughly. Dreams can be good or bad, but their outcome essentially remains a mystery. Some dreams can even give us a true message, which can guide our destiny. According to the author, dreamology or the study of dreams is a science of observation.Interpretation of Dreams (Old And Rare)The Backpacker’s Handbook (Old And Rare) – P. Khurrana

Weight 0.3 kg




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