Heritage Preservation and Rights in Nepal (Newar) – Bal Gopal Shrestha


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As it concerns religious, political and historical aspects of Nepalese society, Heritage Preservation and Rights in Nepal. The Newar Language, Culture and Rituals should appeal to everyone interested in South Asia, castes, ethnic nationalism, anthropology, Buddhism
and Hinduism.
About the Author
BAL GOPAL SHRESTHA (PhD, Leiden, 2002) authored The Sacred Town of Sankhu: The Anthropology of Newar Rituals, Religion and Society in Nepal (2012, pbk. 2013) and The Newars of Sikkim: Reinventing Language, Culture and Identity in the Diaspora (Vajra Books 2015) to mention but two English publications. He served as a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (UK) and at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS, Leiden, the Netherlands).

Heritage Preservation and Rights in Nepal (Newar) – Bal Gopal Shrestha

Weight 0.4 kg




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