About The Author
Dr. Chandi P. Chapagain was born in Dhankuta. He began his career in development-related field during 1989-1997 for the Makalu-Barun Conservation Project (MBCP) of The Mountain Institute, USA. He later worked with CARE International Nepal from 1997 to 2000 as a Training Specialist and from June 2000 to October 2009, he was with Plan International Nepal as a Country Training Coordinator and later as Human Resource Development
Coordinator (HRDC). Dr. Chapagain who received Masters’ Degree in Sociology in 1989 from Tribhuvan University, Nepal under the supervision of Prof. Dilli Ram Dalal for whom he is dedicating this book. He is the first person in Nepal to receive a Ph.D. in Appreciative Inquiry (AI), relating to human capacity building and development, from Madison University, USA. He is one of the founders of Imagine Nepal Initiatives (INI) and worked as General Secretary and Executive Member as well as life member of it. He is also a life member of Nepal Participatory Action Network (NEPAN) and is the national advisor of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN). He is the Founding Advisor of Texas International Education Network and Karuna Development Foundation. He has received the ?Prasiddha Participatory Development Writer Award ? 2022″, honored by NEPAN. Besides intensive experience, knowledge and skills on Appreciative Inquiry, Sociology, Anthropology, Development, Human Resource Development, Peace Building, he has wider experience of facilitation and presentation skills in national and international level trainings and conferences and has produced different publications. Precisely, he is a philosopher pertaining to positivity, value education and spiritual wisdom. He is currently working as Managing Director of Appreciative Learning and Development Management (ALDM) and has published books on “Appreciative Inquiry” and “Appreciative Inquiry to Spiritual Wisdom”. He also has published books titled ‘Human Value Based Education. This book Global Transformation’ is an outcome of his decades of experience, research and training on development, positivity, spiritual wisdom and human value based education.
Global Transformation And Nepal – Chandi Prasad Chapagain
Global Transformation And Nepal – Chandi Prasad Chapagain
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