Garden of Dreams – Ruskin Bond


Availability: 5 in stock

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In a world that treasures ‘being realistic’ more than daydreaming, we sometimes forget that the only

way to aim higher is to daydream a little-how do we have ambition without a little hope? It is at

times like this when we should remember the desires of your youth. How we dreamed bigger than

we could afford to; how we leapt and then thought of the fall.

In Garden of Dreams, Ruskin Bond brings together stories and personal essays that talk of such youthful exuberance. He talks of love and its effect on a tired soul; of friends that become your

anchors through stormy days, of romance kindled over chocolates; and many such tales that rekindle

our zest for life. This book is for all those who dare to be a little naïve in this sombre world.
Garden of Dreams – Ruskin Bond

Weight 0.3 kg




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