Eklo – Buddhisagar
एक्लो श्रीको कथा हो । श्रीसितै जोडिएर आउने अरु मानिसको पनि कथा हो । सबैका केही न केही सपना छन् । सहरको यो भागदौडमा श्री कहीं पुग्न चाहन्छ । तर हिँड्न जान्दैन । ऊ केही बन्न चाहन्छ । तर कसरी बन्ने पत्तो पाउँदैन । एक मानिसको उतारचढावमा अनेक मानिस जोडिन्छन् । एक्लो – यो सहरमा अनेक सपना बोकेर रिङरोडभित्र फनफनी घुमिरहने पात्रहरूको कथा पनि हो । जो होहल्लामा त छन् तर आफूभित्र विराट् एक्लोपन बोकेर हिँडिरहेका छन् ।
Read review featured on The Kathmandu Post
Susil Pun Magar (verified) –
I love how Buddhisagar plays with the characters in his book. I as a tenant enjoyed a lot reading this book. The best thing about this book is the bonding or connection with the characters. The characters resemble so many of the characters that we meet every day or have heard of or shared the same house. I enjoyed Aadi and Top. Their character development was impactful. Moreover, the plot loosens in middle. The ending of the story is blunt. It is a neutral good read.
sabin.chhetri (verified) –
म बुद्धि सागर को लेखन शैली को फ्यान भएकोले यो किताब किनेको हो , आशा छ फिरफिरे र कर्णाली ब्लुज जस्तै यो पनि राम्रो छ . रत्न बुक्स को डेलिभरी समय भन्दा चांडो पाए त्यसको लागि धन्यवाद
Bishal Gautam (verified) –
This book is a standalone masterpiece, earning a solid five-star rating for its exceptional storytelling and memorable characters. Its literary brilliance shines through, making it a captivating and unforgettable reading experience.