Basanti – Diamond Shumsher Rana

वसन्ती– डायमण्ड शमशेर राणा

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Basanti – Diamond Shumsher Rana (Ratna Pustak Bhandar) (bestseller) | Basanti is a story of a girl by the same name. It is one of the finest literary works of Diamond Sumsher which depicts the story of a girl along with the accounts of the historical events during the time of Junga Bahadur Rana, the first Rana Prime Minister of Nepal.
Basanti begins with the description of two young people Jung Bahadur and Mithu caught up in a shade to save them from the rain. They are attracted to each other and before leaving promises to meet again. However, the fate had something else in store for them. They happen to meet again at the girl?s house where they find out that they are cousins, however, during that period, cousins were the first eligible candidates when it came to marriage. The problem was that the girl Mithu was already married to the man?s best friend Dambar Bahadur. The events that follows describes how the simple village girl Mithu changes herself into Kajini (title given to the wife of member of Royal council) Basanti.

Weight 0.5 kg



1 review for Basanti – Diamond Shumsher Rana

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Susil Pun Magar (verified)

    Flux of history and romance. A good read. Diamond shumsher literature are rare and interesting to read.

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